Category Archives: How to
I recently gave my site a nifty update by updating the color of the address bar in Chrome on mobile, thought I would share. This currently works only on Android devices using Chrome (Lollipop or newer versions) Open up your themes ...
>Is your Wordpress homepage loading fine and your other pages are showing a 404 error? No need to panic, this error is usually always solved by going to your Wordpress Dashboard: Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes to give ...
>Want to get rid of those unsightly default margins and not having any luck? All browsers by default add margins and padding to your page that are somewhat of an eye sore. In order to get rid of that you will ...
>I have come across a number of websites and have helped a few people with this problem with not being able to center their layout - the correct way. First things first you should be using a reset CSS such as ...